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How to add audio files to a site?

  1. Add media files to the DNN page via the Content > Asset option in the Persona Bar (It is recommended to create a folder for audio files).
  2. The appropriate file types must be added to the Allowable File Extensions field by following the instructions at Editing the list of allowable file types in EVOQ.
  3. Add the audio file to your site by using one of the following options:

    Option 1

    Insert a link to the file into your HTML modules, by copying the specific file link. You can get your file URL form Content > Assets > [your audio files folder tree] > [your file] > [pencil icon] Edit > [copy] URL.

    Option 2

    Use the HTML audio tag to play your content. See sample tag below (File source can be copied from the above step): 

    <audio controls>
    <source src="/Portals/0/Audio/sample.mp3?ver=2017-12-04-045624-373" type="audio/mpeg">
    Your browser does not support the audio tag.
  • To use this HTML Tag, go to your page where you want to play this file, add or edit your HTML Pro module > Advanced Editor > [source mode] and Add the specified audio tag.
  • Please note if you use default basic editor it will mess up the audio tag when you save it. 
  • The HTML audio tag will insert an audio control similar to this in your page: 

Note: To maintain best practices it's always recommended to take a backup of your site folder and database before making any changes.

Versions: EVOQ 9.0+


Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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