Checking all modules used across portals at once


You have multiple servers, portals, and extensions installed in your DNN instance and would like to know if there is a way to export all extensions used across these portals at once.


You can use a SQL query to list all of the modules by opening the DNN SQL Console or SQL Server Management Studio and running one of the following database queries:

  1. To see a full list of the modules across all pages (one row per module):
    SELECT MD.FriendlyName AS ModuleName, PL.PortalName,
    COUNT(DISTINCT(TM.TabId)) AS PagesAddedTo
    FROM Modules M INNER JOIN ModuleDefinitions MD
    ON M.ModuleDefID = MD.ModuleDefID
    INNER JOIN PortalLocalization PL
    ON M.PortalID = PL.PortalID
    INNER JOIN TabModules TM
    ON M.ModuleID = TM.ModuleID
    GROUP BY MD.FriendlyName, PL.PortalName
    ORDER BY MD.FriendlyName
  2. To see a full list of the modules with their corresponding pages (one row per instance):
    SELECT MD.FriendlyName AS ModuleName, PL.PortalName, T.TabPath
    FROM Modules M INNER JOIN ModuleDefinitions MD
    ON M.ModuleDefID = MD.ModuleDefID
    INNER JOIN PortalLocalization PL
    ON M.PortalID = PL.PortalID
    INNER JOIN TabModules TM
    ON M.ModuleID = TM.ModuleID
    ON TM.TabID = T.TabID
    ORDER BY MD.FriendlyName, PL.PortalName, T.TabPath

Note: Since there is one row per instance of the module in the second query, it will make the set of results much longer.



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