Import/Export Task Is Stuck in Submitted Status


At times, you may encounter the following issue: the Import/Export feature cannot complete the task, and it stays in the Submitted status. 


The export is usually stuck in Submitted status because the Import/Export feature is executed by a scheduler task called Import/Export. If this specific task is not running then the Import/Export feature waits for the task to be running and then processes the export request.

Another reason for this issue could be an incorrect server name in the Scheduler's task. To check the server name and correct it if needed, please refer to the section The scheduler task "Site Import/Export" does not have a specific server name defined in this article: DNN Import / Export stuck "In Progress" or fails with exception.

To enable the Import/Export task:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Scheduler > Scheduler.
  2. Click on the pencil icon next to the Site Import/Export task.

  3. Disable the task and click Update.

  4. Navigate to Settings > Server Settings > Web Servers.

  5. Select the required server. In this example, there is only one enabled server.
  6. Clear the cache and restart the application.
  7. Clear your browser cache.
  8. Open the site again and re-enable the Site Import/Export task (similar to step 3).
  9. From the Site Import/Export task settings, click Run Now.

  10. Check that the clock icon is displayed in the top-right corner of the window and then make sure that the task is running (from Settings > Import/Export).


You can test that the export has completed by looking at the task in Settings > Import/Export

Note: It may take a few seconds/minutes for the task to appear in the queue (depending on the size of the site).

The task should be completed soon. 

Then browse the websitefolder/App_Data/ExportImport folder to locate the export files.


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1 comment

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    Mitesh Patel

    Hey Tony Lee,

    This article very much helpful for me and it has solved my issue. I am using DNN EVOQ basic 9.3.3 on both demo and production server and during site migration from demo server to production server. I was came across with this issue during my exporting site on demo server and this article has solved my problem.


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