Spell checker is not working in Advanced Editor

Error: The user is trying to use the spell checker in the Advanced Editor but it is not working.


Environment: DNN 9.1.1

Root Cause: DNNCKP#0#DisableNativeSpellChecker option was set to TRUE instead of FALSE.


1. Go to Settings > SQL Console.

2. Execute the following query.

select *
from cke_settings
where settingname like '%Spell%'

If the value is as below: "TRUE"


3.Set the value to FALSE by executing the following query.

Update cke_settings
set SettingValue = 'False'
where settingname like '%Spell%'

4.Clear Cache the website.


5. Restart the App pool and press Ctrl + F5 to refresh the site while clearing the cache in the web browser.

Confirmation: Go to Settings > SQL Console, insert the following query. If the value is FALSE, the problem has been solved.

select *
from cke_settings
where settingname like '%Spell%'

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