Retroactive Theme Update for Existing Pages


In case themes are not being applied to existing pages using theme management interface, themes can be manually applied using database update queries.

You can use either SQL Server Management Studio or DNN > Host > SQL Console to run the queries below. Create a database backup before proceeding to the resolution steps.


The issue was documented during upgrade from 8.2 to 9.1.1.


Root cause

The root cause hasn't been identified yet.




  1. Open SQL query engine of your choice.
  2. Run below query to get the list of all the current Skins applied to pages on all portals.

    select distinct(SkinSrc) from Tabs where HasBeenPublished = 1 AND PortalID >= 0


  3. Run below query to get the list of all the pages that need to be updated on all portals.

    select TabID, TabName, SkinSrc, ContainerSrc from Tabs where HasBeenPublished = 1 AND IsSystem = 0 AND PortalID >= 0


  4. Run below query to update skins on the pages on all portals. Query can be further edited to be portal specific, by changing PortalID >= 0 to a single PortalID (ie. PortalID = 0, PortalID = 1, etc.)

    update Tabs set SkinSrc = 'copyskinsourcehere' where HasBeenPublished = 1 AND IsSystem = 0 AND PortalID >= 0


  5. Run below query to update containers on the pages.

    update Tabs set ContainerSrc = 'addcontainersourcehere' where HasBeenPublished = 1 AND IsSystem = 0 AND PortalID >= 0

    For versions prior to 9.x
  6. Open to Control Bar.
  7. Click Tools.
  8. Click Clear Cache & Recycle Application Domain.
    For versions 9.x
  9. Open Persona Bar.
  10. Click Servers.
  11. Click Clear Cache & Restart Application.

Confirmation: Review pages in question to confirm that the themes were successfully updated.



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