When manually reactivating a development license after a migration or major change, you may encounter the following error:
"Unable to process the request, please try again later. ()We were unable to activate your license. Please contact customer support."
This problem can have many possible causes, including incorrect information stored in the site's license database, to the site using an incorrect Application Pool Identity.
This solution will be laid out in stages. Each stage might fix the problem, so be sure to follow the steps in Testing before moving on to the next stage.
Stage 1: Remove license information using SQL
Always back up your database before running any SQL commands against your site. Always test in a safe environment.
- Run the following command against your database, either in your preferred SQL IDE, or in the SQL Console:
- Clear the server cache and restart the application.
- Recycle the application pool.
Stage 2: Delete inactive servers
- Go to Persona Bar > Servers
- Check to make sure all the entries on this page are active servers.
- Delete any server that is no longer being used or inactive.
Note: Any previous servers the site was migrated FROM should be removed if not presently in use. - Clear the server cache and restart the application.
- Recycle the application pool.
Stage 3: Ensure that IIS settings are correct
- Open Internet Information Services (IIS), Manager.
- Expand the server in the Connections pane.
- Click on Application Pools > find your site in the right side pane.
- With the site selected, click on Advanced Settings from the Actions pane (far right).
- In the Advanced Settings popup window, scroll down to Process Model.
- Check that the Identity field has the correct Application Pool Identity selected (by default, this is named ApplicationPoolIdentity).
- Check that Load User Profile is set to True
- Press OK when done.
- From the Actions pane on the right, hit Recycle
Attempt to manually activate your Development license. The process should complete without errors. If you are still running into errors with your migration, see our article Troubleshooting Checklist: Migration.
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