Role Exception Access to Page Analytics


When creating new roles in EVOQ version 9.0 and above you will need to manually grant them access to view and/or edit the Page Analytics section of the Persona Bar. 

Audience: Self-service, Admin/SuperUser

NOTE: As a precaution, please take a backup of your database before running any SQL scripts such as the ones in this article.


1. With your SuperUser/Admin account, login to your EVOQ instance and use the Persona Bar to select Settings > SQL Console.


2. Run the following SQL query to find your PortalID and make sure to note down the result:

SELECT PortalID, SettingValue FROM PortalSettings WHERE SettingName = 'DefaultPortalAlias'


3. Next you will need to find the RoleID for the newly created role. Run the following query after replacing the text indicated with the name of the role and make a note of the result:

SELECT RoleID FROM Roles where RoleName = 'Replace this with the name of the role'

4. Last, you will need to find the Page Analytics MenuID and take note of it by running:

SELECT MenuId FROM PersonaBarMenu where ModuleName = 'PageAnalytics'


5. Once you've gathered the three necessary IDs (PortalID, RoleID, MenuID) enter them into the following SQL query to permit the new role to View the analytics:

INSERT INTO PersonaBarMenuPermission (PortalID, MenuID, PermissionID, AllowAccess, RoleID, CreatedByUserId, CreatedOnDate, LastModifiedByUserId, LastModifiedOnDate)
VALUES ('_replace_with_PortalID_', '_replace_with_MenuId_', '1', '1', '_replace_with_RoleID_', '1', '2018-05-01 00:00:00.000', '1', '2018-05-01 00:00:00.000')

Or the following to View and Edit the analytics:

INSERT INTO PersonaBarMenuPermission (PortalID, MenuID, PermissionID, AllowAccess, RoleID, CreatedByUserId, CreatedOnDate, LastModifiedByUserId, LastModifiedOnDate)
VALUES ('_replace_with_PortalID_', '_replace_with_MenuId_', '2', '1', '_replace_with_RoleID_', '1', '2018-05-01 00:00:00.000', '1', '2018-05-01 00:00:00.000')

6. When running the queries, the initial response will be "The query did not return any data." To validate that the query has worked click Run Script again which should throw the following error that there is already a permission record set up:


7. Go to Admin > Servers from the Persona Bar and click Clear Cache and then Restart Application.

8. Go to Manage > Users in your Persona Bar and find a user who has the role you just created. Click on the three dot icon for their user record and then Login As User to verify that the permissions have been set correctly and the analytics icon is now displayed. 




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