Slowness when using the Edit Page button after upgrading to 9.1.1


Post upgrade to 9.1.1, after clicking on the Edit Page button it takes 10-15 seconds to actually get into edit mode. This is not specific to one page but happens on every page. it takes roughly the same amount of time when clicking on the close button. Logs reveal the following entry numerous times:

Could not load type 'Dnn.PersonaBar.Vocabularies.MenuControllers.VocabulariesMenuController' from assembly 'Dnn.PersonaBar.Vocabularies'

Root Cause

This behavior and the related error log entries happen because the DNN database was not updated to correct the controller entry during the upgrade process. The controller was removed as of version 9.1.1.



NOTE: Please perform a complete backup of the database before executing SQL queries. As this process will require clearing the cache, it is recommended to be executed off-hours.

Requirements: SuperUser access to the DNN portal

1.  Log in to the DNN portal with your SuperUser credentials.

2. Go to Persona Bar > Settings > SQL Settings.

3. Execute the following script:

UPDATE PersonaBarMenu SET Controller = '' WHERE Identifier = 'Dnn.Vocabularies'

4. Clear your cache

5. Validate that the slowness is no longer present when entering and closing Edit Mode on a page.  



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