Configuring Caching


Caching is the process of storing data in a temporary storage area (cache). It is designed to enable faster information retrieval for frequently used instructions/data, which is why it is important to configure your cache correctly to get optimum server performance.

As part of server maintenance, it is crucial to know how to configure caching correctly. You will find the steps to set up caching for your platform in this article.




  • Evoq Content
  • Evoq Engage




You need a host/superuser account to be able to perform the steps outlined in this article. Hosts have full permissions to all sites in the DNN instance.




  1. Go to Persona Bar > Settings > Servers.


  2. Go to Server Settings > Performance.

    Server Settings > Performance

  3. Choose how the page's state is persisted (Page State Persistence). 

    • Page: Information about the page's state is stored in a hidden field on the page (recommended).
    • Memory: Information about the page's state is cached in memory.

    Page State Persistence

  4. Choose Caching Providers.

    Caching Providers

    Field Description
    Caching Provider

    This is the default caching provider for the site.

    • WebRequestCachingProvider: The default for Evoq products and uses a server web request adapter to synchronize the caches of enabled web servers automatically.
    • FileBasedCachingProvider: The default for the DNN Platform. Cache synchronization is not automated.
    Module Cache Provider

    The default caching provider for modules. Each module can override this setting.

    • File: The cache is stored in a file. Choose this if your server tends to run out of memory (Default).
    • Memory: The cache is stored in memory (fastest performance).
    • Database: The cache is stored in a database (to be deprecated).    
    Page Output Cache Provider

    The default caching provider for pages. Caching is enabled for a page only if the cache timeout is set for that page.

    • File: The cache is stored in a file. Choose this if your server tends to run out of memory.
    • Memory: The cache is stored in memory (fastest performance).
    • Database: The cache is stored in a database (Default).

  5. Configure caching behavior.

    Cachin behavior settings

    Field Description
    Cache Setting

    The relative length of time that items remain in the cache.

    • NoCaching: No caching (worst performance).
    • LightCaching: Items are held in cache for the shortest time.
    • ModerateCaching: Items are held in cache for a moderate length of time.
    • HeavyCaching: Items are held in cache for the longest time (best performance; default).

    Authenticated Cacheability /
    Unauthenticated Cacheability

    The value of the Cache-Control field in the HTTP General header. The Cache-Control field indicates how caching is done. Authenticated Cacheability specifies the caching behavior for authenticated users; Unauthenticated Cacheability for anonymous users.

    • NoCache
    • Private
    • Public
    • Server
    • ServerAndNoCache (Default)
    • ServerAndPrivate

    These values are defined in HttpCacheability Enumeration.

    SSL for Cache Synchronization (Optional) If enabled (On), a secure connection is used when synchronizing the caches of enabled web servers.

  6. Click Save.


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