DNN Skin Objects



Skin objects are a type of DNN extension used in themes to provide additional functionality for common UI elements on a webpage.


Warning: it is not recommended to modify theme objects, as this can cause unexpected errors. Additionally, changes to theme objects will be overwritten during upgrades. Instead, create new objects or apply changes directly to skin layouts.



The list of available DNN Skin Objects are:

ACTIONBUTTON Displays an action from the module action menu.
BREADCRUMB Displays the path to the current tab (> is the default separator). Example: PageName1 > PageName2 > PageName3
CONTROLPANEL Displays the DNN control panel. If the CONTROLPANEL theme object is not used in the theme, then DNN inserts a control panel control at the top of the page.
CURRENTDATE Displays the current date on the server.
DDRMENU Displays a menu using the DDRMenu control.
DNNCSSEXCLUDE Prevents a stylesheet reference from being included in the page.
DNNCSSINCLUDE Adds a stylesheet reference to the page.
DNNJSEXCLUDE Prevents a JavaScript file reference from being included in the page.
DNNJSINCLUDE Adds a JavaScript file reference to the page.
DOTNETNUKE Displays the copyright notice for DNN.
DROPDOWNACTIONS Displays the module action menu as a dropdown list.
HELP Displays a Help link, which sends an email to the website's administrator, using the user's default email client.
HOSTNAME Displays the host title linked to the host URL. The host title and host URL are defined on the host settings page.
ICON Displays the module icon.
JQUERY Adds jQuery JavaScript reference to the page.
LANGUAGE Displays the language selector dropdown list or the language flags based on the theme object attribute settings.
LEFTMENU Displays a vertical menu layout.
LOGIN Displays Login for anonymous users and Logout for authenticated users.
NAV Displays a menu according to the type specified in the ProviderName attribute.
PRINTMODULE Displays a link for the Print action from the module action menu.
PRIVACY Displays a link to the Privacy Information page for the website.
SIGNIN Displays the login control.
STYLES Allows you to add Internet Explorer-specific stylesheets to your theme.
TAGS Displays the Tag control allowing users to view and edit tags associated with the page or module.
TERMS Displays a link to the Terms and Conditions page of the website.
TEXT Displays localized text in your theme and supports the use of token replacement.
TITLE Displays the module title.
TOAST Adds the toast notification control to the page. Toast messages will be shown when a new user notification or message is received.
TREEVIEW Displays a menu, similar to the Windows Explorer menu, using the DNN Treeview Control.
USER Displays a Register link for anonymous users or the user's name for authenticated users.
VISIBILITY Displays a visibility control for the module allowing users to show or hide a given module on the page.


1 comment

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    Kristina Rangelova


    In DNN 9.1 i have missing edit icon in LANGUAGES and i can't edit the text

    How to fix this issue? I can't upgrade to 9.2 or more because there is more issues , after upgrade. TX

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