Change the primary Portal Alias


If you would like to specify a domain to map the Portal to the main IIS binding, it is needed to change the primary Portal Alias. Be aware that changing the primary alias will affect how the application redirects requests between Portals and in some cases will affect localization.




Note: The current site alias you are accessing the site with, cannot be edited, deleted, or set as the primary. Log in to the site using a different site alias to edit or delete the currently used alias.

  • Go to Persona Bar > Settings > Site Settings.
    Persona Bar > Settings > Site Settings
  • Go to the Site Behavior tab, and then the Site Aliases subtab.
    Site Behavior > Site Aliases
  • Click/Tap the pencil icon for the site alias.

    Site Settings > Site Behavior > Site Aliases — Edit

Click/Tap Set Primary.


If you want the site to have no primary alias, edit the current primary alias and click/tap Unassign Primary. This will, however, force the application to use the default Portal Alias as the temporary Primary Alias. The default portal alias can be found by running the below query against the database:

  • SELECT * FROM PortalSettings WHERE SettingName = 'DefaultPortalAlias'

Note: Changing the primary alias will affect redirection for the other aliases that have been defined on your site, especially if you have localization enabled.



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