Troubleshooting Localization Issues in Child Pages


Users may encounter issues when trying to localize child pages on their website. The problem arises when a user attempts to generate a localized version of a child page without having localized the parent page first. This is a known limitation of the system. The system should ideally provide a notification explaining that the parent page must be localized first, but this may not always happen. 


To resolve this issue, follow the steps below:

  1. Localize the parent page first. This is because the localized version of a child page can only be created if a corresponding localized version of the parent page exists.
  2. If you attempt to localize a child page without localizing the parent page first, the system may not provide any indication of the issue and will not create the localized version of the child page.
  3. The system should ideally provide a notification explaining that the parent page must be localized first, but this may not always happen.


To successfully localize a child page, ensure that the parent page is localized first. This is a system limitation and not providing a notification is a known issue. Any issues with the localized page not displaying the menu properly are likely due to custom development issues and not the system itself.


  1. Do I need to publish the localized parent page before localizing the child page?
    No, the localized parent page does not need to be published before localizing the child page.
  2. Why is the localized page not displaying the menu properly?
    This is likely a custom development issue and not related to the system itself.
  3. Why doesn't the system provide a notification when I try to localize a child page without localizing the parent page first?
    This is a known limitation of the system. The system should ideally provide such a notification, but this may not always happen.



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